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Alhamisi, 5 Desemba 2013

It wasn't me, it was Moi: Kibaki, biggest failure Kenyan president and his hilarious blame game

 Character is judged by how people behave, but even more importantly how they respond under attack or when under pressure.

When a person chooses to defend themselves by blaming somebody else, then it becomes very clear what kind of person that individual is.

In a public lecture at the University of Nairobi (where Moi would have been a much more engaging guest lecturer in my view), retired President Kibaki opened his mouth to hit out at a man without whom he would NEVER have survived the presidency.

My late dad had a lot of respect for Kibaki and I have to admit that I too respected the man when he was in the opposition. Well, the good news is that Mwai Kibaki's true character has come out very clearly for all to see. And I have NOT even started analyzing the Kibaki presidency and how it took the country 100 years backwards so that the man with a bald head left a much more tribally divided country than what was handed to him by President Moi.

And if you still had doubts a recent Kumekucha poll clinches it. We asked Kenyans a simple question; who was the better president, dictator Moi or polished Kibaki? 

The results were;
Moi 61%
Kibaki 38%

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni


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